Korea Woman's Christian Temperance - KWCTU


Indonesia News

절제회 | 2018.12.11 12:55 | 조회 3046

<IWCTU’s Monthly Meetings at Each Chapter>

We gather together at an appointed day each month.




<National Gathering>

We celebrated our 21st Anniversary of IWCTU, holding our national convention.


<Prayer and Praise Night>This event takes place each year, which we use to share the temperance work to the public and to local churches, informing them what the temperance work is about. IWCTU members perform some dramas on the need to stop drugs and smoking on this occasion.





<Visiting Sick Members>

We visit a member, who has been long bedridden due to stroke.

We also had to endure grief, one dear member, who has been with us from the beginning of IWCTU, going to heaven, due to pancreatic cancer rather abruptly after 8 month long struggle against the cancer.

<Free Medical Clinic Service>

The free Midical Clinic Service is what IWCTU holds regularly.

The villages a little bit away from cities need repeated temperance education

Especially the students at schools need to learn about the harm of smoking and drugs.


Last summer, KWCTU sent many pieces of beautiful children’s clothing, with which we opened a Bazaar.  We were happy and grateful, thinking of the joy of children, who would be glad to wear new clothing from Korea.

<Temperance Education>

<Poster Contest on No Smoking>

During public holidays, we held No Smoking Poster Contest and taught on the harm of smoking.

<WCTU Prayer Day>

On World WCTU Prayer Day, we joined with other national unions to intercede for the guidance of the Holy Spirit upon our temperance work worldwide and in Indonesia.

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