Korea Woman's Christian Temperance - KWCTU


The Testimony of Duck Ja Nam (Presented at the 2016 Ottawa World Convention)

절제회 | 2016.09.23 16:04 | 조회 4952

Hello, everyone! I feel so much privileged for this opportunity to speak in front of WWCTU members from all over the world. My name is Dukja Nam from Korea who is in charge of Home Protection Department for Korea Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

Today, I want to share how the Lord saved a girl who was born and raised in a strong Buddhist family and how He used our union to nourish and strengthen her faith.

You all know the saying, "Like mother, like daughter." Well, my mother used to be a head of the Buddhists' council and worshipped not only Buddha but also other idols diligently asking for worldly blessings. Her value system became mine and I studied really hard to obtain worldy blessings. Well, I kind of succeeded and entered the top ranking high school and university. And then I married a rich non-Christian man..

As we all know, our Lord works through His people. It was Dr. Jung-Joo Kim, my university alumna, who introduced Jesus to me. She met the Lord personally and was on fire for Jesus. I studied the Gospel of John with Dr. Kim. The Lord opened my eyes and touched my heart for His Word and I got saved.

From the moment I got saved, I felt burdened for my family's salvation and began to pray holding on to the verse Acts 16:31 "Have faith in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved! This is also true for everyone who lives in your home." God was faithful and answered my prayer.

In the meantime, Mrs. Kui Ok Yeu, Dr. Kim's mother, the former president of KWCTU asked me to join the Union and for forty years since then I began to work for "No Drinking and No Smoking" campaign.

I believe temperance cannot be separated from patience. And I guess God wanted to teach me patience first. Well, as you all know God works through people. And it was my husband God wanted to use for me.

My husband is a businessman and he could not do any business without drinking and smoking. While I was working for No drinking and No smoking campaign, he smoked four boxes of cigarrettes every day and I don’t know how much he drank but he drank a lot.

However, I never let go of my hope that my husband would stop smoking and drinking. The members of KWCTU were my support group at that time and we prayed together for my husband.

About thirty years after I began to pray for my husband, our Lord began to work through people again. This time it was my son and younger daughter. My son was dating a non-believer and my daughter caused many problems we could not possibly handle. However, as the Bible always tells us, tribulations come so that we can turn our eyes toward the Lord. My husband began to pray with all his heart asking Jesus to help him quit drinking and to fill himself with the Holy Spirit. Now, my husband is serving the Lord as an elder at a big church in Korea and my son married a Chrisitan woman and my daughter also returned to our Lord. During all those years, my Lord has taught me patience and finally He's given the gift of temperance to my husband.

As I give thanks to the Lord and was meditating on the Word of God, Holy Spirit convicted me that it was not just my husband who was addicted. As my husband was addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, so I was addicted to worldly reputation, perfectionism, and other worldly stuff.

As Paul in Romans called himself “I was the worst sinner of all!” I could not but admit that I was the sinner.

I now know that I cannot follow Lord’s will without listening to the Word of God and without knowing what the Lord, my Commander in Chief tells me everyday through the Bible. I pray that I become one of His people He could use. I also pray that I live the life of temperance everyday by the grace of God and use whatever gift He has given me to lead people to Christ our Savior.

I thank the members of KWCTU for your support and prayers,

and I know you all are God's people He uses. I give all the glory to the Lord who died for me on the cross and shed the blood for a sinner like me. Thank you....

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